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Family Ministries focuses on people in relationship. It is a ministry that provides tools to help individuals communicate more effectively, deepen commitment in marriage, and assist in becoming better parents. Family Ministries helps families grow in love and live in harmony as the family of God.
The department is led by Shay & Charlene Penniken for this year.
Highlights is the church picnics and love and support provided to families throughout the year with a visit or special package or shared meal.
The department aims to enable parents and families to increase the likelihood of successful transference of Seventh-day Adventist Christian values to the next generation. Adventist Family Ministries develops materials and provides learning opportunities within church and family settings designed to enable parents to make biblical values winsome to their children and youth. The department encourages an atmosphere within homes and churches which promotes questions and on-going discussion regarding Christian values and tenets of faith among parents and children, young and old, leaders and members in an effort to foster the development of mature faith.
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